Moving Household goods and Office stuff, Delivery of shipments, HR Assistance in Almaty and Almaty region

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Transportation of cargo, Loaders, Transportation to/from Almaty.
Your one-stop assistant for relocation services
With a long history of helping businesses and individuals move to and from Almaty, ASSET RELOCATIONS is a relocation service provider you can count on. Our solutions range from packing up your belongings, shipping them to your destination, getting settled into your new home, to cancelling contracts and returning your rental property when it's time to go. We provide our customers with exactly the services they need to ensure a smooth, stress-free relocation.
Organization of relocation by professionals eliminates many troubles. Order high-quality and inexpensive moving services from us.

Professional packers for home and office stuff
Packaging material is used: Boxes, stretch, Bubble-wrap for fragile, packing paper, staples, cartonboard, euro-standard package. Experience of transportation of diplomats in Kazakhstan.
Professional, polite with many years of experience movers know their job.The loaders carry out all necessary works quickly and qualitatively and responsibly to the task..
Monitoring all service process
During its work in the market of relocation services, our company has established itself as a reliable and stable partner. We constantly improve the quality of our work control aimed at optimal satisfaction of our clients' needs
Local moving in Almaty and regions
Cargo transportation Almaty is not just a small truck with loaders, with us it is easy to transport piano, refrigerator, ATM, sofa, furniture or kitchen set. We provide services to both legal and natural persons.
Delivery service with unpack and assemble a furniture.
You have applied to our service, so you need a high-quality delivery to the right place by a certain time. We will do our best to meet the level of European transport services, without overestimating the cost of delivery.
Home staff and housing service
Successful people are usually very busy. They divide their schedule into flexible and tough tasks using time management. Therefore, they succeed and achieve a lot. There are new progressive ways to save time by entrusting the very same home tasks and small things ... no, not an assistant, but a new service and assistant, such as Life Helper.

Relocation Services

Moving from 21500 tenge

Moving from 12,000 tenge per 1 sq.m.
Moving from 25,000 tenge per floor.
Discount 15% cheaper than market prices. Contact us!!!
Providing quality services and cargo safety
Our relocation managers will support you at every step of the service
The individual method of each move allows us to achieve success in the tasks of all levels
All our specialists have more than 5-10 years of international relocation experience.
Our specialists are equipped with a tool and material for moving and perform any service in the house. Having skills more than moving, we like to help people to be happy
We take care of the time of our clients. Just call us - and we will help you with all questions
  • Apartment relocation
    Office relocation
    Relocation of a summer residence / archive / store
    Packers for householdgoods
    Furniture assemblers
    Cargo transportation
    Delivery of goods from / to the Airport / Customs warehoses
    Support Service "Life Helper"
  • We serve in Almaty and Almaty region. We are open from Monday to Sunday from 8:00 to 21:00 Call Us at 7 777 2212298 or send us a quick message to Whatsapp, we will contact you
cotact us +77772212298
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